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  • Publication
    The Discursive construction of environmental educators and environmental education through positions vacant advertisements
    (Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE), 2006) ;
    Positions vacant advertisements provide a potentially rich source of analysis acrossdiverse philosophical, ideological, methodological and disciplinary divides. Forpoststructuralists, positions vacant advertisements provide a lens into identitypolitics , disciplinary practices, subjectivity (Foucault, 1977; Mansfield, 2000) andregimes of truth; for feminists, they provide a lens to analyse the reproduction of orresistance to asymmetrical gendered and sexualised power relations; forpsychoanalysts, they provide a lens into fears and desires; for critical discourseanalysts, they provide a lens into discursive positioning and consequent materialeffects; and in the field of organisational management, they provide a lens into costbenefit analysis, organisational promotion and market surveillance. Despite the richresearch opportunities that positions vacant advertisements avail, however, suchresearch has not been conducted in environmental education.