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  • Publication
    Germination response to temperature of 'Phyla canescens' (lippia)
    (Weed Management Society of South Australia, 2006)
    MacDonald, Matthew Scott
    ; ;
    Julien, Mic H
    'Phyla canescens' (Kunth) Greene (Verbenaceae) is an introduced invasive herb of floodplain pastures and wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin. Its germination response to 81 constant and alternating temperatures was studied using a two-way thermogradient plate. The experiment was repeated for seed aged four months and 16 months, as well as seed collected from a population in another catchment. Germination prediction surfaces were generated using Geographical Information Systems-based techniques. All seed batches exhibited a 'homothermophobic' response, in which virtually no seed germinated at constant temperatures. The ecological significance of the homothermophobic germination response is discussed.