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  • Publication
    The application of forensic artists to produce facial likenesses from poor quality surveillance images
    (University of New England, 2022-08-03) ;

    This dataset was created during the research for the thesis 'The application of forensic artists to produce facial likenesses from poor quality surveillance imagesVan'. It consists of sets of data:

    NEC NeoFace® Reveal search results - This dataset refers to the results of several searches completed across various experiments that were designed to investigate whether forensic artists could recapture facial likeness from poor quality surveillance images to be searched in a biometric database. Each of the experiment sketches were searched through the NEC NeoFace® Reveal software against a database probe to compare with their performance against the stimuli images that were provided to the artists.

    Post Hoc Analysis Raw Data - This dataset refers to a series of facial likeness sketches completed by forensic artists being searched through NEC NeoFace® Reveal software. Each sketch was searched in its original state with and without contrast adjustments using the NEC software and with both the gender of the subject defined and undefined. This was then repeated with each sketch when treated with the image modification techniques of normalisation and equalisation.

    Photo anthropometric Raw Data - This dataset refers to the photo anthropometric measurements that were taken directly from the subjects used in the experimental stimuli and the facial likeness sketches that were provided by the artists for each experiment.