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Working on the Edge: Positive Organisational Scholarship in Healthcare (POSH) and Looking for What's Good in Healthcare

2013, Fulop, Elizabeth, Dadich, Ann, Karimi, Leila, Smyth, Anne, Ditton, Mary, Campbell, Steve, Curry, Joanne, Eljiz, Kathy, Fitzgerald, Anneke, Hayes, Kathryn, Herington, Carmel, Isouard, Godfrey

As part of a larger research program on brilliant healthcare, this paper introduces positive organisational scholarship (POS) and discusses how it has influenced a new approach to theory and research in healthcare, titled POSH. The paper outlines how appreciative inquiry, a key approach in POSH, was used to inform an investigation of what is good in healthcare. Reflective practice is discussed as the central methodology used to explore public domain narrative evidence. The paper illustrates the use of reflective practice and introduces new understandings and insights garnered from using POSH. The paper concludes with a consideration of the implications of a POSH agenda for researchers and practitioners.