Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Publication
    Internationale Gemeinschaft und Menschenrechte: Festschrift für Georg Ress sum 70. Geburtstag am 21. Januar 2005
    (Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2005) ;
    Langenfeld, Christine
    Bieber, Roland
    Weber, Stefan
    Calliess, Christian
    Wolf, Joachim
  • Publication
    Article 53: United Nations Charter
    (Oxford University Press, 2002) ;
    Ress, G
    (1) The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state, as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided for pursuant to Article 107 or in regional arrangements directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any such state, until such time as the Organization may, on request of the Governments concerned, be charged with the responsibility for preventing further aggression by such a state.(2) The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter....Article 53 governs and limits the permissibility of enforcement measures by regional arrangements or organizations (Art. 52). The Article mentions two distinct possibilities. The SC may decide on the necessity of enforcement measures and utilize regional arrangements to carry them out or regional arrangements may decide on the necessity of enforcement measures and seek the SC's authorization in order to be able to carry them out legally. To utilize regional arrangements or regional agencies means to utilize the States parties to a regional arrangement and hence members of a regional organization either directly, or indirectly by utilizing the agency constituted by a regional arrangement. Under Art. 53(1) c1.1, the regional organization functions as a subsidiary organ of the UN. 4 In either case, the SC retains the responsibility both for the execution of the enforcement action through the regional arrangement (cl. 1) or for the authorization of enforcement measures taken by regional arrangements (cl. 2).
  • Publication
    Immunity from Jurisdiction: Complicated, and getting more so: Monika Lüke, 'Die Immunität staatlicher Funktionsträger', Berlin: Verlag A. Spitz; Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsggesellschaft, 2000, 429 pages
    (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003)
    Monika Lüke’s book on the immunity of State officials from civil and criminal jurisdiction came in the midst of the heated debate on the Pinochet case in the United Kingdom. But it appeared before the International Court of Justice declared, without much ado, in the Congo/Belgium case that the Congolese foreign minister enjoys immunity from Belgian criminal jurisdiction despite allegations of severe human rights violations, and also before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg held that the international law rules on the immunity of States (not State officials) provide a sufficient justification for national courts to infringe on the right to access to a court recognised by the European Convention of Human Rights by not allowing cases for trial if the defendant is a foreign State.
  • Publication
    Die völkerrechtliche Immunität von der staatlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und die Verfahrensgarantien der EMRK - Einige Anmerkungen zu den Urteilen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte in den Fällen Waite & Kennedy und Beer & Regan gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland: [Immunity from Adjudicatory Jurisdiction under International Law and the Procedural Guarantees of the European Convention on Human Rights - Some Remarks on the Judgments of the European Court of Justice in the Cases of Waite & Kennedy and Beer & Regan v. Germany]
    (Nomos, 2002)
    Das Thema, über das ich heute zu Ihnen sprechen will, kennzeichnet in besonderer Weise meine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Jubilar über die Jahre hinweg. Zum einen geht es um die in der EMRK geschützten Menschenrechte, über deren Bedeutung für das Geburtstagskindman keine weiteren Worte verlieren muss. Zum anderen geht es um Immunität von staatlicher Gerichtsbarkeit, und damit um ein Thema, welches in einer besonderen Ausprägung Gegenstand meiner Dissertation bei Professor Ress war und welches, durch die Mitarbeit an den Berichten für den ILA-Ausschuß über Staatenimmunität, über Jahre hinweg ein Thema war, über dem wir beide gebrütet haben.
  • Publication
    Comparative Constitutionalism: Eighty-Two Years of Constitutional Reform and Democratic Developments in Thailand
    (P Press Co Ltd, 2014) ;
    Some eight decades ago on 24 June 1932, Thailand embarked on a journey towards democratic transformation when the People's Party, an elite group of civil servants, princes, army officers and young intellectuals, who were well educated in Europe and fully infused with the concept of Western democracy, staged a bloodless coup d'etat, demanding a change of government from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. Determined to avoid any bloodshed, His Majesty King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) agreed to abolish absolute monarchy and the transfer of power to the constitution-based system of government by signing a temporary constitution on 27 June 1932. This constitution marked the arrival of Thailand's modern political constitutionalism - the idea that government can and should be legally limited in its powers. Since then, Thailand has been subject to 18 military coups followed by the promulgation of new and/or revised 18 constitutions and numerous changes of government. The turbulent history of Thailand's constitutionalism suggests that there is a need for major constitutional reform - one where the Constitution is reviewed to ensure adherence to the Rule of Law and democracy.
  • Publication
    Versammlungs- und Vereinigungsfreiheit
    (Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2006)
    Art.11 EMRK: Versammlungs- und Vereinigungsfreiheit(1) Jede Person hat das Recht, sich frei und friedlich mit anderen zu versammeln und sich frei mit anderen zusammenzuschließen; dazu gehört auch das Recht, zum Schutz seiner Interessen Gewerkschaften zu gründen und Gewerkschaften beizutreten.(2) Die Ausübung dieser Rechte darf nur Einschränkungen unterworfen werden, die gesetzlich vorgesehen und in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft notwendig sind für die nationale oder öffentliche Sicherheit, zur Aufrechterhaltung der Ordnung oder zur Verhütung von Straftaten, zum Schutz der Gesundheit oder der Moral oder zum Schutz der Rechte und Freiheiten anderer.Dieser Artikel steht rechtmäßigen Einschränkungen der Ausubung dieser Rechte für Angehörige der Streitkräfte, der Polizei oder der Staatsverwaltung nicht entgegen.
  • Publication
    Social licence and international law: the case of the European Union
    (CSIRO Publishing, 2011)
    This chapter aims to use the European Union legal system to demonstrate the way in which legal and social interventions are linked, highlighting the ways in which politics marries the two elements. This is not to suggest that this link is in any way unique to Europe, because most chapters in this book suggest that the concept of social licence does, if nothing else, speak of this link. This chapter shows a complex interaction between European laws that defend the social licence of the individual or the enterprise, and national laws intended to restrict this licence to meet particular needs of the state. It highlights an additional international law dimension to the social licence issue, which is generally discussed as being a dialogue between the nation state and its citizens. The role of supra-national organisations in defending the social licence of the enterprise and the citizen is an interesting modern development. The European instance highlights the potential for this supra-national dimension to come into being, and how this in turn can act as a brake on the ability of the nation state to restrict the commercial freedoms of its citizens. With the growth in international trade laws and other forms of convention that have supra-national effect, this dynamic is likely to be increasingly evident.