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Writing the (researcher) self: reflective practice and undergraduate research

2016, Nye, Adele, Clark, Jennifer, Bidwell, Pam, Deschamps, Briahannon, Frickman, Lisa, Green, Jennifer

This paper discusses the way in which postmodern emergence was used to assist a group of undergraduate students come to new understandings of research practice as they participated in a reflective component of an Undergraduate Research Summer School. Students were encouraged to 'write the (researcher) self' through a collaborative writing group based on the theoretical and pedagogical work of Somerville. Postmodern emergence highlights three stages of learning; firstly, assigning time for wondering, then a liminal space for becoming and finally an opportunity for generating new knowledge. This article is both the tangible product of this emergence reflective writing process and a recommendation about the capacity of undergraduate students to engage with their own professionalisation and meaning-making.