Veliz, Leonardo
Pedagogies of Multiliteracies for Learner Agency through English Language Teachers' Interactive and Reflexive Positionings
2024-10, Nguyen, Minh Hue, Veliz, Leonardo, Santosa, Made Hery
The present study sought to examine the ways in which Indonesian English language teachers' use and navigation of digital technologies in English language classrooms develop and foster learner agency. This is pedagogically pursued through the affordances of the pedagogies of multiliteracies (Cope & Kalantzis, 2000a; New London Group, 2000) which, as Warren and Ward (2019) point out, 'provides an accessible framework that is flexible and adaptable enough to engage all students in authentic learning, affording [English language learners] equitable access to the curriculum' (p. 90). Indonesian teachers' implementation of multiliteracies pedagogies was examined through the lens of positioning theory (Harré, 2012; Harré & Moghaddam, 2003) and the personal interpretive framework (Kelchtermans, 1993). Specifically, the study examined the positioning that English language teachers ascribed to students (interactive positioning) and to themselves (reflexive positioning) in relation to learner agency as they implement multiliteracies pedagogy. In this study, we suggest that enacting multiliteracies pedagogies is a relational and situated process in which English language teachers draw upon their perspective of English language students and themselves.