McOrist, Jock
- PublicationHalf-twisted correlators from the Coulomb branch
We compute correlators of chiral operators in half-twisted (0, 2) supersymmetric gauged linear sigma models. Our results give simple algebraic formulas for a (0, 2) generalization of genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants of compact toric varieties. We derive compact expressions for (0, 2) deformed quantum cohomology relations and apply our general method to several examples.
- PublicationOld issues and linear sigma models
Using mirror symmetry, we resolve an old puzzle in the linear sigma model description of the spacetime Higgs mechanism in a heterotic string compactification with (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetry. The resolution has a nice spacetime interpretation via the normalization of physical fields and suggests that with a little care deformations of the linear sigma model can describe heterotic Higgs branches.
- PublicationGlobal symmetries and N = 2 SUSY
We prove that N = 2 theories that arise by taking n free hypermultiplets and gauging a subgroup of Sp(n), the non-R global symmetry of the free theory, have a remaining global symmetry, which is a direct sum of unitary, symplectic, and special orthogonal factors. This implies that theories that have SU(N) but not U(N) global symmetries, such as Gaiotto's TN theories, are not likely to arise as IR fixed points of RG flows from weakly coupled N = 2 gauge theories.
- PublicationSumming the instantons in half-twisted linear sigma models
We study half-twisted linear sigma models relevant to (0,2) compactifications of the heterotic string. Focusing on theories with a (2,2) locus, we examine the linear model parameter space and the dependence of genus zero half-twisted correlators on these parameters. We show that in a class of theories the correlators and parameters separate into A and B types, present techniques to compute the dependence, and apply these to some examples. These results should bear on the mathematics of (0,2) mirror symmetry and the physics of the moduli space and Yukawa couplings in heterotic compactifications.
- Publication(0,2) deformations of linear sigma models
We study (0,2) deformations of a (2,2) supersymmetric gauged linear sigma model for a Calabi-Yau hypersurface in a Fano toric variety. In the non-linear sigma model these correspond to some of the holomorphic deformations of the tangent bundle on the hypersurface. Combinatorial formulas are given for the number of these deformations, and we show that these numbers are exchanged by mirror symmetry in a subclass of the models.