Torres-Vazquez, Jose Antonio
Genetic and phenotypic associations of feed efficiency with growth and carcass traits in Australian Angus cattle
2018-11, Torres-Vazquez, Jose Antonio, van der Werf, Julius H J, Clark, Samuel A
Genetic and phenotypic parameters for feed efficiency, growth, and carcass traits for Australian Angus beef cattle were estimated. Growth traits included birth weight (BWT), 200-d weight (200dWT), 400-d weight (400dWT), and 600-d weight (600dWT). Traits associated with feed efficiency were average daily weight gain (ADG), metabolic midweight, average of daily feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), residual feed intake (RFI), and residual gain (RG). Carcass traits involved were carcass eye muscle area (CEMA), carcass intramuscular fat (IMF), subcutaneous fat depths at the 12th/13th rib (CRIB), rump P8 fat depth (P8FAT), and carcass weight (CWT). For growth traits, heritability estimates ranged from 0.14 +/- 0.03 for 200dWT to 0.48 +/- 0.06 for 600dWT. For feed efficiency traits, direct heritability estimates for FI, FCR, RFI, and RG were 0.55 +/- 0.08, 0.20 +/- 0.06, 0.40 +/- 0.07, and 0.19 +/- 0.06, respectively. High heritability estimates were observed for CEMA, IMF, P8FAT, and CWT of 0.52 +/- 0.09, 0.61 +/- 0.09, 0.55 +/- 0.09, and 0.66 +/- 0.09, respectively. Strong positive genetic correlations were found for FI with 200dWT, 400dWT, and 600dWT of 0.68 +/- 0.09, 0.42 +/- 0.11, and 0.61 +/- 0.07, respectively. Weak genetic correlations were observed between RFI and growth traits. For carcass traits, genetic correlations between RFI and CEMA, IMF, CRIB, P8FAT, CWT were -0.19 +/- 0.14, 0.31 +/- 0.14, 0.18 +/- 0.16, 0.24 +/- 0.13, and 0.40 +/- 0.12, respectively. There was a tendency for low to moderate unfavorable genetic associations between feed efficiency traits, evaluated as RFI and RG, with growth and carcass traits. This implies that selection for RFI would have slight negative impacts on growth and reduce carcass quality. To avoid this, it would be necessary to build selection indices to select feed efficient animals without compromising growth and meat quality.
Longitudinal analysis of body weight and average daily feed intake during the feedlot test period in Angus cattle
2020-05, Torres-Vazquez, Jose Antonio, Duijvesteijn, Naomi, van der Werf, Julius H J, Clark, Samuel A
The objectives of this study were to compare different models for analysing body weight (BW) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) data collected during a 70‐day feedlot test period and to explore whether genetic parameters change over time to evaluate the implications of selection response. (Co)variance components were estimated using repeatability and random regression models in 2,071 Angus steers. Models included fixed effects of contemporary group, defined as herd-year-observation_date-age, with additive genetic and permanent environmental components as random effects. Models were assessed based on the log likelihood, Akaike's information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion. For both traits, random regression models (RRMs) presented a better fit, indicating that genetic parameters change over the test period. Using a two-trait RRM, the heritability from day 1 up to day 70 for BW increased from 0.40 to 0.50, while for ADFI, it decreased from 0.44 to 0.33. The genetic correlation increased from 0.53 at day 1 up to 0.79 at day 70. Selection based on an index assuming no change in genetic parameters would yield a 2.78%-3.13% lower selection response compared to an index using parameters estimated with RRMs and assuming these genetic parameters are correct. Results imply that it may be beneficial to implement RRMs to account for the change of parameters across the feedlot period in feed efficiency traits.
Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for Feed Efficiency Traits in Australian Angus Beef Cattle
2017, Torres-Vazquez, J A, van der Werf, J H J, Clark, S A
Feed intake represents a major cost to all animal production systems. Increasing the efficiency in which animals turn this feed into product can be a major goal in many animal breeding programs. Consequently, Australian beef producers have been measuring many traits associated with feed efficiency in an attempt to increase the accuracy of selection, precision of genetic parameters estimates and ultimately increase the amount of genetic gain achieved. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for traits associated with feed efficiency from records on 1614 Angus Steers from the Australian Beef Information Nucleus (BIN). Traits analysed included Average Daily Weight Gain (ADG), Metabolic Mid-Weight (MMWT), Daily Feed Intake (FI), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and Residual (or Net) Feed Intake (RFI). Parameters were estimated using bivariate animal models in ASReml. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.12 ±0.06 for FCR to 0.49 ±0.09 for FI. High genetic correlations were estimated between FI and RFI (0.83±0.05) and FI and ADG (0.81±0.08). Significant genetic correlation also existed between ADG and MMWT (0.65±0.12) and between MMWT and FI (0.68±0.08). Heritability estimates show that there would be a favourable response to selection for the efficiency traits in this population. The positive and unfavourable genetic correlation between ADG and RFI, suggest that improving RFI would result in lower ADG. Given this, further studies are required to investigate genetic associations between efficiency traits and other economically important traits, in addition to examine new ways of utilizing feed efficiency information in breeding programs.
Genome-Wide Association Studies for Body Weight and Average Daily Feed Intake During the Feedlot Test Period
2019, Torres-Vazquez, J A, van der Werf, J H J, Clark, S A
Feed efficiency component traits such as body weight (BW) and daily feed intake are economically relevant traits in beef cattle breeding programs. The objectives of this work were to identify genomic regions associated with BW and average daily feed intake (ADFI) during the feedlot period, and to evaluate whether these genetic variants for each trait were consistent over the 70-day test period. Data on 2070 Angus steers were used to estimate (co)variance components using the genomic relationship matrix (gREML) fitted in ASReml. For the studied traits, a two-trait repeatability (TT-REPM) and a two-trait random regression (TT-RRM) models were performed. SNP-effects for the TT-REPM and TT-RRM were estimated using a post analysis back-solving approach using the genomic estimated breeding values from each model respectively. For each trait, results were validated with single-trait animal models (ST-ANIMs) at the beginning and at the end of the test period using single-SNP regression in the GCTA software. Results from the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using TT-REPM and TT-RRM were similar to the conventional approach using the ST-ANIMs. For all models, the variants rs43350564 and rs109326204 presented the strongest association with BW and ADFI, respectively. The identified SNP effects remained constant throughout the feedlot test period and could be useful for understanding the biology of feed efficiency. Further studies with more data and possibly with longer feed lot test periods are needed to investigate the effect of genomic regions for feed efficiency traits over the feedlot trajectory.
Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle Breeding Programs
2020-06-10, Torres-Vazquez, Jose Antonio, Clark, Samuel, Van Der Werf, Julius
The conversion of feed into usable products, also known as feed efficiency (FE), is important given the necessity to increase quality food production. This concept is also important given the environmental sustainability and profitability of the beef production systems. The present thesis analysed different aspects involving FE and their inclusion in beef cattle breeding programs. Thus, this work aimed to increase the understanding of genetic variability of the FE traits and the inclusion of residual feed intake (RFI) into genomic assisted beef cattle breeding programs.
The first research chapter was oriented to better understand the genetic variability of the main FE traits and their association with growth and meat quality traits in an Angus population. The analysed FE component traits were daily weight gain, metabolic midweight, average of daily, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, RFI, and residual gain (RG), evaluated during a 70-day feedlot test period. In this chapter, it was concluded that selection on RFI would have a negative impact in growth and carcass traits. Therefore, it was suggested that selection only for RFI would have negative impacts on growth and meat quality in the studied population.
The second research chapter compared repeatability (REPM) and random regression models (RRM) on feed efficiency component traits during the feedlot test period. Unlike the REPM, the RRM can accommodate changes in parameters of those traits over duration of the test period. First-order RRM applied to body weight (BW) and average daily feed intake (ADFI), shown that genetic parameters tend to change during the feedlot period. By comparing these models, it was concluded that ignoring the change in parameters, regardless of feed costs, resulted in a loss of selection response of approximately 3%
The third research chapter analysed REPM and RRM when using genomic information. Genomic variants associated with BW and ADFI variation were identified and a change of their effect during the feedlot test period was evaluated. For both traits, RRM presented the best fit and only one genomic region was detected with a constant effect throughout the 70-d feedlot test period. For BW and ADFI, the strongest associated variants were rs43350564 and rs109326204, located on chromosomes 20 and 5, respectively. These identified SNP may help to unravel the biology of FE and can be used for more accurate genomic prediction of breeding values.
The final research chapter evaluated various realistic multi-trait selection strategies incorporating RFI, as well as including the use of genomic selection (GS). Here it was concluded that selecting on RFI via a genomic test yielded the largest increase in selection accuracy and overall responses of 0.48 and 64.9%, respectively. Finally, it was concluded that including feed efficiency increased the $ net return without compromising meat quality and cow condition score in the beef cattle breeding programs.
Modelling live weight and feed intake during a feedlot test period in Australian Angus Cattle
2018, Torres-Vazquez, J A, van der Werf, J H J, Clark, S A
Feed efficiency related traits modelled as repeated measurements may allow an increased precision of genetic parameters estimates, accuracy of selection and a subsequent increase in genetic gain. The objective of the present work was to compare different models for live weight (LW) and daily feed intake (DFI) during a 78-day feedlot test period using 1763 Angus Steers from the Australian Beef Information Nucleus (BIN). Genetic parameters were estimated using repeatability and random regression models for single and multiple traits. Using the bivariate random regression model, the heritabilities for LW and DFI were in the range of 0.46 to 0.56, and from 0.43 to 0.48, respectively; with repeatabilities ranging from 0.92 to 0.95, and from 0.69 to 0.72, respectively. The corresponding genetic correlation increased from 0.50 at day 1 up to 0.85 at day 78. Based on the Akaike’s information criterion and Bayesian information criterion values, random regression models presented smaller values indicating the best fit in comparison to the repeatability models. In practice, random regression analysis should be adopted for predicting more precisely the genetic merit in feed efficiency related traits. A positive and unfavourable genetic correlation was estimated for the studied traits, suggesting that it would be necessary to build a selection index to optimally select for both traits.