Understanding the Sexual-selves of Iranian-American Women: A Qualitative Study
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008:
Publication Date
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008
Open Access
The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the perception of Iranian-American women about their sexual-selves and gender role formations. Additionally, the research discusses issues which contributed to the formation of their sexual-selves, gender roles, and gender identity, as well as the role culture plays in the lives of these women. The snowball sampling technique was used to identify the 24 participants, aged 18 years and older, among the first generation Iranian-American women living in Southern California, United States. A feminist perspective was selected to provide the theoretical framework to understand each woman's unique experience with respect to her sexual-self and life circumstances. Narrative analysis was utilized to explore the sexual life stories via individual in-depth interview. These stories included childhood to marriage in Iran, the undoing and unlearning process underpinning the development of their sexual-selves, and the influences of the socio-cultural factors that framed the experiences of the participants in both their home and host cultures. ... The thesis argues that the concept of the sexual rights of women has to be equated with human rights for significant advances to be made in the equality of women with men. The findings have policy and practice implications of Iranian-American women benefiting from educational programs and community discussion groups. Health professionals will see greater therapeutic gain in their patients by having adequate sensitivity to and familiarity with their patients' culture and language. Researchers will have an information base from which to pursue further research, not only with Iranian women, but also with women of similar cultural backgrounds.
Publication Type
Thesis Doctoral
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