Australian Folklore: A Yearly Journal of Folklore Studies - An issue particularly concerned to explore the new writing and publishing, ways of transmitting (personal) story and memory, and to report mid-twentieth century Australian folk singing and dancing
Australian Folklore
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008:
Smith, Robert James
Publication Date
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008
The format of this volume of Australian Folklore, like some of the more recent, has been divided into several loose clusters, as is clear from the table of contents. Thus there is a grouped focus on several of the larger areas of the folklore work now being worked on in this country. Again the annual issue covers a multiple number of research approaches to the field, although almost all of the items now included have a strong link with Australia and with materials largely generated by the various regions, societies and belief systems of the continent. We have been able to reprint - with Fabula's gracious permission - a paper given to an international congress in Melbourne but which had appeared in print first in Germany, and we have also been able to publish an account of fieldwork being done in the Indian sub-continent. Significantly, we have been in scholarly contact with/ exchanged journals with various equivalent major societies and publishers in the field, including those edited in Canada, China, Estonia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, in particular.
Publication Type
Journal Article
Australian Folklore Association, Inc
Place of Publication
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Publisher version
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