Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Publication
    Modeling Mid-Season Rice Nitrogen Uptake Using Multispectral Satellite Data
    (MDPI AG, 2019-08-06) ;
    Dunn, Brian W
    Dunn, Tina S
    Dehaan, Remy L
    Mid-season nitrogen (N) application in rice crops can maximize yield and profitability. This requires accurate and efficient methods of determining rice N uptake in order to prescribe optimal N amounts for topdressing. This study aims to determine the accuracy of using remotely sensed multispectral data from satellites to predict N uptake of rice at the panicle initiation (PI) growth stage, with a view to providing optimum variable-rate N topdressing prescriptions without needing physical sampling. Field experiments over 4 years, 4–6 N rates, 4 varieties and 2 sites were conducted, with at least 3 replicates of each plot. One WorldView satellite image for each year was acquired, close to the date of PI. Numerous single- and multi-variable models were investigated. Among single-variable models, the square of the NDRE vegetation index was shown to be a good predictor of N uptake (R² = 0.75, RMSE = 22.8 kg/ha for data pooled from all years and experiments). For multi-variable models, Lasso regularization was used to ensure an interpretable and compact model was chosen and to avoid over fitting. Combinations of remotely sensed reflectances and spectral indexes as well as variety, climate and management data as input variables for model training achieved R² < 0.9 and RMSE < 15 kg/ha for the pooled data set. The ability of remotely sensed data to predict N uptake in new seasons where no physical sample data has yet been obtained was tested. A methodology to extract models that generalize well to new seasons was developed, avoiding model overfitting. Lasso regularization selected four or less input variables, and yielded R² of better than 0.67 and RMSE better than 27.4 kg/ha over four test seasons that weren’t used to train the models.
  • Publication
    Satellite-based Real-time Monitoring of Peanut Fields Using Multispectral and Synthetic-aperture Radar Imagery
    (American Peanut Research and Education Society, 2019) ;
    O'Connor, D J
    Previous studies have shown the utility of remotely-sensed multispectral imagery and vegetation indices derived from the imagery (such as Normalised Differential Vegetation Index - NDVI) for monitoring of peanut growth status. Applications include assessing within- and between-paddock biomass variability and predicting yield. This data is useful for growers managing in-field variability, and for processors managing operational logistics and financial forecasting. However, peanuts grown in Australia, and globally, are grown in areas where there is frequent cloud cover. This limits the applicability of satellite-based multispectral imagery for operational monitoring as the chance of a cloud-free capture on a required date are low. In contrast to multispectral imagery, synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) imagery is not limited by cloud cover. This paper assesses multiple uses of SAR imagery for peanut operations. A time-series of freely-available Sentinel-1 SAR images for the 2018-2019 season was obtained for this purpose, covering more than 50 peanut fields in the Bundaberg coastal cropping region located in south-eastern Queensland. The radar imagery was highly correlated with the limited cloud-free multispectral imagery from the Sentinel-2 platform over the same time period, with a significant correlation between multispectral NDVI and combinations of radar bands on multiple dates (r= 0.87) observed. Time-series growth profiles from the SAR data were also derived and assessment was made of their ability to estimate the crop emergence characteristics, actual harvest dates, and prediction of pod yield. Our results highlight the possibility for SAR data being used to replace multispectral data when the latter has limited availability due to presence of cloud cover on target peanut fields.
  • Publication
    Early-Season forecasting of citrus block-yield using time series remote sensing and machine learning: A case study in Australian orchards

    This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of seasonal, locational, and varietal variations in canopy reflectance responses in 315 commercial citrus blocks from three major growing regions in Australia. The dataset includes three different citrus types (Mandarin, Navel, Valencia) and 26 varieties. The aim is to utilize this combined information to better understand yield variation and develop improved forecasting models. Landsat satellite data spanning from October 2006 to February 2021 (1419 tiles) were used to derive reflectance values, and calculate four vegetation indices (NDVI, GNDVI, LSWI, and GCVI), for each citrus block. These indices were then analyzed alongside corresponding yield data, which consisted of 3660 individual yield records dating back to 2007. Two temporal resolutions were incorporated as predictors: spatio-temporal vegetation index time series (TS) aggregated every two months and annual time series of historical block-yield records. Six statistical and machine learning algorithms were calibrated using a leave-one-year-out cross-validation approach (LOYO CV) and validated for one-year forward prediction over a five-year period (2017–2021). The results highlight significant yield variations across years, alternate bearing patterns, and spatio-temporal changes in reflectance profiles influenced by seasonal conditions, varietal characteristics, and locations. The support vector machine (SVM) algorithm with a radial basis function kernel consistently outperformed other algorithms, indicating a non-linear relationship between citrus yield and predictors. The SVM model achieved an RMSE of 15.5 T ha−1 , R2 of 0.88, MAE of 12.1 T ha−1 , and MAPE of 29% in predicting block-yield across farms, varieties, and seasons. These prediction accuracy metrics demonstrate an improvement over current forecasting methods. Notably, the proposed approach utilizes freely available imagery, provides forecasts between two to nine months before harvest, and eliminates the need for infield counting of fruit load for image calibration. This approach provides an improved method for understanding seasonal yield variation and quantifying citrus block-yield, offering valuable insights for growers in harvest logistics, labor allocation, and resource management.

  • Publication
    Olive Tree Water Stress Detection Using Daily Multispectral Imagery
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-10-12) ;
    Schultz, Alex

    Daily calibrated multispectral imagery (Planet Fusion) of an olive irrigation deficit trial was used to assess the degree and speed to which vegetation indices indicate water stress. We developed normalization techniques to increase sensitivity to differences across a grove. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was able to significantly detect differences between the control and deficit treatments for the Arbequina variety. For the Picual variety, the green red vegetation index (GRVI) was the best indicator. Though multispectral imagery is not as quick at indicating irrigation deficits as in-field sensor data, it is complementary in being able to capture the spatial variability of water stress.

  • Publication
    Data Requirements for Forecasting Tree Crop Yield - A Macadamia Case Study
    (Wageningen Academic, 2023-07-02) ;
    Orford, R

    Early tree crop yield forecasts are valuable to industry and to growers, as they inform improved harvest logistics, forward selling, insurance and marketing strategies. Previous work has demonstrated the utility of weather and particularly remote sensing data to forecast tree crop yield at the orchard block scale. In this work, such data were aggregated spatially to block boundaries, and temporally at quarterly intervals. Yield prediction models were trained with a large set of grower-supplied yield data (more than 10 years, 20 orchards, 200 blocks across the Australian growing regions, for a total of 1156 yield records). Yields were forecast three months before harvest begins, and were compared to actual yields. Errors were typically around 10% and 23% at the regional and block levels respectively. Errors in 2020 were higher in non-irrigated regions due to an extreme drought in east Australia. Models were able to describe much of the variability of yields even for orchards not included in the training data, but block-level prediction errors increased by 4.1% in this case. Bootstrap sampling was used to investigate data requirements. At least 400-500 training data points was needed to minimize prediction errors. Weather data alone did not produce satisfactory accuracy, fusing weather and remote sensing data produced the best results. Including predictor data from all 8 quarterly periods from the 2 years before harvest proved a good strategy. These results demonstrate the potential of tree crop forecasting using public spatio-temporal datasets, give guidance on data requirements and identify areas for further work.

  • Publication
    Assessing the potential of Sentinel-1 in retrieving mango phenology and investigating its relation to weather in Southern Ghana
    (International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA), 2022-06-29)
    Torgbor, Benjamin Adjah
    ; ;

    The rise in global production of horticultural tree crops over the past few decades is driving technology-based innovation and research to promote productivity and efficiency. Although mango production is on the rise, application of the remote sensing technology is generally limited and the available study on retrieving mango phenology stages specifically, was focused on the application of optical data. We therefore sought to answer the questions; (1) can key phenology stages of mango be retrieved from radar (Sentinel-1) particularly due to the cloud related limitations of optical satellite remote sensing in the tropics? and (2) does weather have any effect on phenology? The study was conducted on a mango farm in the Yilo Krobo Municipal Area of Ghana. Time series analysis for radar vegetation index (RVI) values for 2018 – 2021 was used to retrieve three key phenology stages of mango namely; Start of Season (SoS), Peak of Season (PoS) and End of Season (EoS). Characteristic annual peaks (in April/May for the major season and October/November for the minor season) and troughs (in June/July for the major season and December/January for the minor season) in the phenology trend of mango were identified. Rainfall and temperature explained less than 2% and 14% of the variability respectively in mango phenology. The application of radar remote sensing provides a cutting edge technology in the assessment of mango phenology, particularly in the tropics where cloud cover is a big challenge. This study offers an opportunity for production efficiency in the mango value chain as understanding of the crop's phenology allows growers to manage farm and post-harvest operations.

  • Publication
    Macadamia Orchard Planting Year and Area Estimation at a National Scale
    (MDPI AG, 2020-07-13) ;
    Accurate estimates of tree crop orchard age and historical crop area are important to develop yield prediction algorithms, and facilitate improving accuracy in ongoing crop forecasts. This is particularly relevant for the increasingly productive macadamia industry in Australia, where knowledge of tree age, as well as total planted area, are important predictors of productivity, and the area devoted to macadamia orchards is rapidly increasing. We developed a technique to aggregate more than 30 years of historical imagery, generate summary tables from the data, and search multiple combinations of parameters to find the most accurate planting year prediction algorithm. This made use of known planting dates of more than 90 macadamia blocks spread across multiple growing regions. The selected algorithm achieved a planting year mean absolute error of 1.7 years. The algorithm was then applied to all macadamia features in east Australia, as defined in an recent Australian tree crops map, to determine the area planted per year and the total cumulative area of macadamia orchards in Australia. The area estimates were refined by improving the resolution of the mapped macadamia features, by removing non-productive areas based on an optimal vegetation index threshold.
  • Publication
    Potential of Time-Series Sentinel 2 Data for Monitoring Avocado Crop Phenology
    The ability to accurately and systematically monitor avocado crop phenology offers significant benefits for the optimization of farm management activities, improvement of crop productivity, yield estimation, and evaluation crops' resilience to extreme weather conditions and future climate change. In this study, Sentinel-2-derived enhanced vegetation indices (EVIs) from 2017 to 2021 were used to retrieve canopy reflectance information that coincided with crop phenological stages, such as flowering (F), vegetative growth (V), fruit maturity (M), and harvest (H), in commercial avocado orchards in Bundaberg, Queensland and Renmark, South Australia. Tukey's honestly significant difference (Tukey-HSD) test after one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with EVI metrics (EVImean and EVIslope) showed statistically significant differences between the four phenological stages. From a Pearson correlation analysis, a distinctive seasonal trend of EVIs was observed (R = 0.68 to 0.95 for Bundaberg and R = 0.8 to 0.96 for Renmark) in all 5 years, with the peak EVIs being observed at the M stage and the trough being observed at the F stage. However, a Tukey-HSD test showed significant variability in mean EVI values between seasons for both the Bundaberg and Renmark farms. The variability of the mean EVIs between the two farms was also evident with a p-value < 0.001. This novel study highlights the applicability of remote sensing for the monitoring of avocado phenological stages retrospectively and near-real time. This information not only supports the 'benchmarking' of seasonal orchard performance to identify potential impacts of seasonal weather variation and pest and disease incursions, but when seasonal growth profiles are aligned with the corresponding annual production, it can also be used to develop phenology-based yield prediction models.
  • Publication
    Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Yield Forecasting of Horticultural Tree Crops – A Case Study of Mango in Ghana and Australia
    (University of New England, 2024-03-08)
    Torgbor, Adjah Benjamin
    ; ; ;

    Globally, the production and trade of fruits and nuts from horticultural tree crops (HTCs) is increasing due to greater demand from a growing world population. Among those HTCs, is the mango, venerated as the “king of fruits” due to its nutritional, health and the economic benefits it provides to both developed and developing nations. Its production and trade have consistently risen since the early 1960s, when official reporting begun. Global production increased from 10.9 million tons in 1961 to over 57 million tons in 2021, representing a 422% increase. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation (FAO), mango contributed USD 0.6 million to approximately USD 3.7 billion from 1961 to 2021 in export value to the global economy.

    With increasing food demand, there is the need for increased production, optimizing efficiencies and minimizing environmental impact through the more judicious use of crop inputs. Part of this solution is the development of technologies and analytics that can more accurately and efficiently measure the spatial and temporal variability in tree health, timings of key phenological stages that dictate key management practices and production (yield and quality). The outcomes of these applications also assist with improved decision making around harvest planning and logistics, minimizing potential food wastage along the value chain, market access and forward selling. The current commercial practice for measuring these key parameters in tree crops, including mango, is predominantly by in-field within season assessment which is costly, time and labour intensive, can be inaccurate due to a nonrepresentative area of the orchard being evaluated and human subjectivity.

    A review of prior literature identified some recent technological advancements such as the use of weather parameters ‘Growing Degree Days’ for determining tree growth phase and fruit maturation; proximal sensing/ machine vision and the targeted manual fruit counts of individual trees for calibrating remotely sensed imagery. However, these methods are costly, time and labour intensive. Additionally, the approaches can lack spatial granularity, scalability, commercial readiness and provide accuracies fairly similar to current commercial practices. From the publications reviewed across many horticulture and agricultural crops, remote sensing (RS) and associated cutting edge analytics (e.g. Machine learning (ML)) presents as the most likely technology to improve current management and forecasting practices in mango. However, a large knowledge gap still remains.

    This study sought to address this knowledge gap by undertaking, four key objectives:

    1. Assess the potential of Sentinel-2 satellite data derived vegetation indices (VIs) in distinguishing phenological stages of mango (Chapter 2)

    2. Assess the potential of Sentinel-1 satellite data in distinguishing mango phenology and investigating its relationship with weather variables (Chapter 3)

    3. Explore the relationship between very high-resolution satellite imagery data and fruit count for predicting mango yield at multiple scales (Chapter 4), and finally

    4. Integrate time series remote sensing and weather variables for mango yield prediction using a machine learning approach (Chapter 5).

    The study was conducted in commercial mango orchards in both Ghana and Australia covering the period 2015 to 2022 using RS data obtained from platforms such as Sentinel-1 (S1), Sentinel-2 (S2), Landsat-8 and WorldView-2 (WV2) and WorldView-3 (WV3) to derive VIs. A number of Statistical and ML approaches including Linear regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Regression (SVR), eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBOOST), Ridge, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operators (LASSO) and Partial Least Square (PLSR) regressions were employed at various stages throughout the study

    Four publications were produced during the study, with the key findings of each publication presented as follows:

    • The S2-derived Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) was identified as the index that best distinguished five phenological stages of mango (Flowering/Fruitset (F/FS), Fruit Development (FRD), Maturity/Harvesting (M/H), Flushing (FLU) and Dormancy (D)) of four mango farms in Ghana.

    • S1-derived radar VI was identified to be responsive for distinguishing three phenological stages (Start of Season (SoS), Peak of Season (PoS) and End of Season (EoS)) from a mango farm in Ghana. These stages align well with three of the key phenological stages (F/FS, M/H and D) retrieved in the optical data (S2) experiment above. It was also established that although weather is known to influence growth and yield of HTCs, for the weather conditions of the study area, its influence on phenology was marginal.

    • The evaluation of 24 WV3-derived VIs from individual tree canopies and associated fruit counts collected across many locations, seasons and cultivars (n = 1958), identified no consistent generic relationship between the predictor (24 VIs) and response (fruit count) variables at the individual orchard level. The subsequent modelling of all composite data through ML algorithms, identified the RF-based yield prediction accuracy was better at the farm level than the individual tree level with percentage root mean square error (PRMSE) of 10.1% and 26.5% respectively, for the combined model (i.e. a model trained on all cultivars, locations and seasons data). The potential of developing an ML-based yield variability map at the individual tree level to support precision agriculture was demonstrated.

    • An RF-based time series model is capable of predicting block and farm level mango yield around 3 - 5 months ahead of the commencement of the commercial harvest season. The block level combined RS/weather-based RF model for 2021 produced the best result (mean absolute error (MAE) = 2.9 t/ha), marginally better than the RS only RF model (MAE = 3.4 t/ha). The farm level model error (FLEM) was generally lower than the block level model error, for both the combined RS/weather-based RF model (farm = 3.7%, block (NMAE) = 33.6% for 2021) and the RS-based model (farm = 4.3%, block = 38.4% for 2021). The errors thus, ranged from 3.7% to 82.7% and 28.7% to 70.7% at the farm and block levels respectively, for the RS/weather-based RF model across the 8-year time series. Factors such as irregular bearing and data associated limitations were possible causes of errors in the study. The study demonstrated the ability to improve yield prediction accuracy from a finer (e.g. block level) to coarser (e.g. farm level) scales as positive (overprediction) and negative (underprediction) errors tend to cancel out.

    Overall, this study demonstrated the potential of integrating RS and weather variables for accurate mango yield prediction. Nevertheless, challenges including a lack of extensive farm level standardized data and the high cost of high-resolution imagery exist. Additionally, whilst these methodologies did demonstrate some benefit over existing practice, further validation of these methodologies is required over more growing locations, cultivars and seasons. This also includes the extrapolation of models at multiple scales, particularly regional and national levels (which were beyond the scope of this study). Furthermore, future research could explore the potential of this method to produce robust estimates in other perennial tree crops.

  • Publication
    Land Cover Classification of Nine Perennial Crops Using Sentinel-1 and -2 Data
    (MDPI AG, 2020) ;
    Vardanega, Justin
    Land cover mapping of intensive cropping areas facilitates an enhanced regional response to biosecurity threats and to natural disasters such as drought and flooding. Such maps also provide information for natural resource planning and analysis of the temporal and spatial trends in crop distribution and gross production. In this work, 10 meter resolution land cover maps were generated over a 6200 km² area of the Riverina region in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, with a focus on locating the most important perennial crops in the region. The maps discriminated between 12 classes, including nine perennial crop classes. A satellite image time series (SITS) of freely available Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery was used. A segmentation technique grouped spectrally similar adjacent pixels together, to enable object-based image analysis (OBIA). K-means unsupervised clustering was used to filter training points and classify some map areas, which improved supervised classification of the remaining areas. The support vector machine (SVM) supervised classifier with radial basis function (RBF) kernel gave the best results among several algorithms trialled. The accuracies of maps generated using several combinations of the multispectral and radar bands were compared to assess the relative value of each combination. An object-based post classification refinement step was developed, enabling optimization of the tradeoff between producers’ accuracy and users’ accuracy. Accuracy was assessed against randomly sampled segments, and the final map achieved an overall count-based accuracy of 84.8% and area-weighted accuracy of 90.9%. Producers’ accuracies for the perennial crop classes ranged from 78 to 100%, and users’ accuracies ranged from 63 to 100%. This work develops methods to generate detailed and large-scale maps that accurately discriminate between many perennial crops and can be updated frequently.